Thursday, September 25, 2008

work out. (i love that show btw)

So this morning at the gym (side note: i will be discussing my journey along the fantastic fitness journey i have embarked on since last April periodically) i ran into this woman who I used to see when i first started going to the gym (a gym which shall remain nameless mainly because I have so many wondrous tales from said gym and wish to not be sued)....well anyway, when I sued to see this woman we would smile, nod, say hello, etc....when you see people everyday you give a friendly gesture - well at least I do - many do not - especially the skinny bitch who decided to cocoa butter her 90lb body in the sauna - or the lady who slams her body into the walls of the sauna while massaging her body and sticking her ass in my face - true effin story.....once again, I digress....anyway the woman I saw this morning gives me a big smile and acknowledges that we haven't seen her in a long time...She then proceeds to say how much awe she is in as to how much weight I have felt really good to hear it, I have to tell you.....Well this woman USED to have the biggest badunka-dunk - I am not being mean just stating a fact....well let me tell you this woman looked fantastic and i had to tell her....She was beaming from ear to ear and it felt good to see that because I know that feeling..... My attempts to lose weight have been tough and I have worked hard to get where I am at....throughout the past year I learned that not only did I want to lose weight, I wanted to become healthier....Well the latter of those two has not been so successful. I abuse my body with many different vices AKA vodka, and believe that by working out 4-5 times a week I negate the effects of alcohol and other vices I impose on my body. Laugh. Disagree. I don't care. This bitch has cardio-ed her life out in the past year and I feel damn good about it. This is where i have to give a shout-out to three people who have helped me immensely with enhancing my love/hate (more love than hate believe it or not) relationship with the gym : 1. Greg- he has been there to support me and encourage me, despite his "I love you no matter what" creed: 2: Kim aka Kimberdoodle - my gym partner....she shares my desire to have a hot body and has been there to laugh with me at the gym as we observe the daily whackos (more stories to come - I PROMISE): and lastly 3. Dominick....he has been there to encourage me to work out, even on Saturdays when we decide to go together or to go to a class at night (more stories from the night crew), he has helped me to learn about good food/bad food - although I cannot give up ANY food that i LOVE - i just cut I really have to say without the support of these 3 people and my family (namely my brother Michael who tells me that I am a skinny bitch - fyi I AM NOT...well a bitch, sometimes, skinny I will never be)....I would not have been able to feel better about myself. Ok here's one of my first gym tales: Yoga class at 8pm....about 15 people in the class, I position myself on my mat in the back of room directly behind mesh shorts boy....he looks straight to me - average looking - t-shirt, long mesh shorts...nothing fabulous, if you know what I am saying....well we are doing that pose where you get on all fours and lift one leg straight back and the opposite arm directly straight in front of you - the instructor then tells us to focus on a point in front of us to keep balance - so I look straight ahead - right at Mr. Mesh Shorts where I then notice that a pair of underwear was not in his outfit decision-making plan for this fine evening . Why?????????????????? I don't get it. Unless he was hoping that it would attract whoever he was trying to attract. gag. I vomited in my mouth that night, but I also laughed a lot. When I read about using balls at the gym to help me gain core strength that was not what I expected.

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