Friday, April 24, 2009

fairy godmother duties.

so as many know, i am a proud and hard working fairy godmother! laugh if you may, but it's true. my gay friends are some of my closest and my best. i have one extremely close friend, who shall remain nameless, who I go out with to various establishment catering to the gay community. i honestly have some of my best times in gay bars and clubs, for the following reasons: #1 they really do play the best dance music #2 i can actually dance and not care what the hell i look like, aka a leaping gazelle as some have termed it (alcohol is involved in this now infamous dance move) #3 the drinks are stronger #4 i do not have to worry about getting hit on # 5 a girl gets called any of the following multiple times in an outing to such places: hot, beautiful, gorgeous, fabulous, etc....overall its a good time and you feel good about yourself. and face it, girls need a boost every now and then, even it comes from someone (a gay boy) who will look better in your outfit then you will.
i think my nights out performing my duties as fairy godmother (the term fag hag is ugly and i don't like it!) could serve as a humor based novel in itself, and will therefore, start blogging about them more.

1 comment:

Lilia said...

I'm very excited for you future blogs... and Fag Hag is an ugly term... one that's been used to refer to me far too often. I like the Fairy God Mother title - It is definitely a nice term and lets face it... it just makes sense... but Fairy God Sister might be more suitable considering... our young beautifulness!