Monday, October 20, 2008

A powerful release ala typing

so the other night i had a dream that i woke up and all my teeth were falling out......obviously i woke up and brushed my teeth for about 13 minutes....then Kim researched and found that these dreams tend to signify some of the following : anxiety, fear of transition, and fear of being lied to....all of which i am really experiencing. i have hit a rough spot in the road....when i go out i am anxious. i am not me. i feel terrible because i know people notice and i hate that. i am not THAT person....but i guess we all get there at points and i am currently there...but i am working on bringing myself out of it. no more tears. just building myself up. making my heart, soul, and mind more open and clear .....and not letting others affect ME. p.s. these feelings really are not brought on by a specific person or specific action....this truly deals with me and only me, and in some sense i am more okay with knowing it only involves changes within me.....because i can control me. . just had to release that negativity from my brain. thanks

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